Free up system memory resources

System memory resources are very important resources. The computing tasks of relion and cryosparc are very dependent on system memory resources. However, as the amount of data increases, the box size increases, and the number of iterations increases, the memory consumption will increase, which may lead to insufficient memory and cause job failure.

Therefore, it is necessary to release resources when memory is insufficient. The command to query memory resources is free -g.

To release memory resources, you need to use the root account to operate. The release command is -- free -g && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && echo "" && free -g


screen command in Linux provides the ability to launch and use multiple shell sessions from a single ssh session. When a process is started with ‘screen’, the process can be detached from session & then can reattach the session at a later time. When the session is detached, the process that was originally started from the screen is still running and managed by the screen itself. The process can then re-attach the session at a later time, and the terminals are still there, the way it was left.

Have you ever faced the situation where you perform a long-running task on a remote machine, and suddenly your connection drops, the SSH session is terminated, and your work is lost. Well, it has happened to all of us at some point, hasn’t it? Luckily, there is a utility called screen that allows us to resume the sessions. 

Screen is generally used for copying, relion or other work that requires maintaining a session for a long time.


screen [-opts] [cmd [args]]
common parameters and options
-S, specify the session name
-ls, list existing sessions
-r, reconnect the session
-R, reconnect the session, if the seesion doesnot exist, and create it
ctrl+a d, end the session
exit, exit the session
screen -r 9343 -X quir, exit the session