Cryosparc only allows Non-root account(Normal account) to install, use etc. By default use of spuser account installation, the following operations are all based on account spuser (please do not use other account operations);
Tips:If you install crysoparc yourself, you must install it with a non-root account. We recommend that cryosparc_cache directory is stored under /ssd, cryosparc_database directory is stored under /data, and owner and group must be normal accounts. Once installed, open the 39000 port in the firewall. |
cryosparc common commands:
start: cryosparcm start
status: cryosparcm status
stop: cryosparcm stop
restart: cryosparcm restart
How to access:
Enter http://IP:39000 in the browser to access the cryosparc interface, then enter your account number and password.
cryosparc update:
If you need to upgrade cryosparc, you need to stop it first(cryosparcm stop) and then execute the command: cryosparcm update. Once the upgrade is complete, start cryosparc (cryosparcm start).
creates a new user account
cryosparcm createuser --email <email_address> --password <password> --name "<full name>"
V3 and V4
cryosparcm createuser --email <email_address> --password <password> --firstname "<given name>" --lastname <family name> --username <full name>
Check cryosparc account information
Open the mongodb of cryosparc:
cryosparcm mongo
Find all users(enter command):
db.users.find({}, { _id: 0, 'emails.address': 1 })
Tips: command "exit" Command can exit MongoDB
Reset the password
cryosparcm resetpassword --email <email address> --password <newpassword>
Operation before shutting down a workstation:
If you need to shut down the workstation, you need to stop cryosparc (cryosparcm stop) before you shut down the workstation.
How to use topaz
Please fill in the path of topaz
How to use deepemhancer
Please fill in the path and module path of deepemhancer
motioncor2 it is commercial software and is free for educational users, need to apply and download the installation package. Please note that cryosparc currently only supports version 1.4.5 of motioncor2, and higher versions are not supported yet.